health & motivation

Workout Wednesday // upper body

Hi guys! I have had a few people on instagram message me about sharing my workouts, so I figured what better day to post weekly workouts on the blog than on Wednesday’s. So welcome to the first ever WORKOUT WEDNESDAY woooo!! The good thing about these workouts are that they will be able to be done either at home, or in a gym- so you can crush wherever your heart desires!!

Without further ado here is todays workout Wednesday:

  • 10 tricep dips (in crab position)- hands facing forward // or these can be done on a bench!
  • 10 tricep dips with one leg up / switch legs & 10 more
  • 10 tricep dips (like the first way again)

(should be a total of 40 tricep dips!)

  • 10 push ups
  • 30 second high plank hold
  • 10 shoulder taps
  • 10 push ups
  • 10 second superman hold (lay on your stomach and lift your arms straight in front & lift your legs)
  • 10 seconds swimming arms
  • 10 seconds leg and arm flutter kicks (lay on your stomach like the superman hold)
  • 10 second superman hold


Grab your phone for a timer & do each exercise for 30 seconds! – try for no breaks!

use a light set of weights this will BURN your arms I promise!

  • 30 seconds pulse front raise
  • 30 seconds pulse lateral raise
  • 30 seconds shoulder press
  • 30 seconds tricep pulses (arms straight behind body)
  • 30 second wrist twists
  • 30 second pulse front raise
  • 30 second pulse lateral raise

Let me know below if you try out this workout & tag me on Instagram after you’re done with it!!

xoxo thanks!! Happy Wednesday! — make sure you’re subscribed to the blog so you don’t miss out on the fun things coming this week!!!


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