health & motivation

wellness wednesday // workout + tips for turkey day!

happy 1st wellness wednesday! I had this idea to create a little place to really channel my love for working out / eating healthy and this seemed like the perfect way to do it both! I get SO MANY dm’s and messages about what I eat and my workouts so I can’t wait to finally be able to do this! So without further ado:

Since tomorrow is the biggest day of eating of the year I wanted to share not only my super sweaty leg workout to get your heart rate pumpin, but also some tips on how to eat tomorrow. But don’t worry! I’m not gonna tell you to avoid or not eat anything, because i plan on indulging a little, but I used to hate the feeling of over eating & doing this little trick will help eliminate that.

But first, my workout !!! And of course how else would I kick this off, but with a leg workout!

  • 1st warm up with foam rolling and stretching especially on leg day!
  • a few banded exercises such as: lateral walks, glute bridges and body weight squats to get your legs and booty activated!
  • Then to the good stuff 🙂
    • barbell squat 4 x 12-15 reps (keep good form!)
    • stiff leg dead lift 4x 12-15 reps
    • hip thrusts (heavy!!) 4x 8 reps
    • leg extension 4 x 12- 15 reps (squeeze at the top)
    • hammy leg curl 3x 20 reps
    • reverse lunges 4x 15 reps
    • leg press 4 x 12 // superset calf raises 4x 12
  • & end with stretching / foam rolling again!

Let me know if you give this workout a try!! Tag me on insta & follow along for some vids / motivation @rinna_fit

ok sorry for the quick plug lol, now lets get into how to not feel sick tmr after eating soooOOoooOOo much delish food!

This is something that I’ve been doing daily, with all of my meals and I’ve been feeling so full and energized (but thats a whole other blog post), but for now here are some tips on how to not over eat tomorrow:

  1. Have a big nutritious breakfast: fruit, protein, healthy carbs!
  2. Don’t hang around the app table! Make a plate and walk away, go sit and talk with relatives! Standing around the food will lead to mindless eating.
  3. When it comes time for the main attraction, try to fill more than half your plate with *healthy* vegetables! Not dinner rolls or a big heaping pile of mashed potatoes lol.
  4. Listen to your body! This isn’t the last day you are ever going to be able to eat! (plus hello desserts are coming!)
  5. Go for a walk after you eat! This will help it all digest!
  6. Try* (key word) to head to the less dense desserts- this is obviously the hardest part, bc cheesecakes and pie am I right?!
  7. But bottom line, There are NO RULES for turkey day, eat & be happy!

xoxo, Happy thanksgiving friends 🙂


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