health & motivation

Welcoming 2021 with open arms and big goals

Hello friends and happy new year!!! I know we all were beyond excited to welcome 2021, but I also understand that all the shitty-ness that 2020 brought didn’t automatically go away once the clock struck midnight. A lot of things have already happened in 2021 that made me want to skip right to 2022- but we can’t just keep wishing life away, no matter how messy or awful some days/years seem. Instead, I am focusing on ways I can make myself a happier and better person all around.

Mental health is such an important topic that not enough people speak too. But if you feel like shit mentally, then it throws off your ENTIRE being. I found myself leaning on a lot of positive mental health habits throughout quarantine that I plan on bringing with myself for the rest of my life, not just a new years resolution. But speaking of new years resolutions, here are some things I wrote down in my 2021 planner (which is my favorite place to put my resolutions / goals so i can look at them whenever I am writing / working in my planner.) I also like calling them my goals instead of resolutions, it just seems less overwhelming for me.

2021 *goals*

  • write a journal entry or brain dump everyday to get things off my mind / my chest
  • read a book a month (if you know me you KNOW this is going to be my hardest goal but hey some goals should be challenging)
  • wash my sheets every Sunday. I’ve done this a few times and I swear there is nothing better than getting into warm sheets at night that smell incredible on a Sunday.
  • build a healthier relationship with food
  • keep building Marinna & Co.
  • keep building up the blog
  • drink LOTS more water everyday
  • work on budgeting & saving more (to pay off my Jeep early!! woo)
  • work on loving all my insecurities! (probably the most important one for my mental health)

absolutely loved this post from Becca Tilley and I wanted to share it here- because I know myself along with several others probably need to hear it.

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