health & motivation

turning fitness from a chore to a lifestyle // monday motivation

When I sat down to think about today’s Monday motivational post I found myself reflecting a lot on how far I have come since I started my fitness journey.  If you don’t know my background story there is a post on it and I’ll link it here:

But for this post I hope you find yourself reflecting on your own journey, whatever point you are at in it. I posted the quote on my fitness page earlier @rinna_fit and it said, “Fitness isn’t a seasonal hobby. Fitness is a lifestyle.”

When I was in college, I only went to the gym two ‘seasons’ a year- during field hockey because it was required, and *during* the summer. (let that last part sink in lol) I literally would go to the gym religiously from may-august to get my summer bod ready… come on marinna lol. But whenever I would go to the gym I found myself searching through Instagram pages looking for someone I ‘aspired’ to look like to post her workout so I could do that for the day, and if I didn’t find something that interested me I wouldn’t go at all. Going to the gym felt like such a chore and I would always come up with excuses not to go.

Because I know that the gym can be an intimidating factor in so many people lives, I wanted to give ya’ll 5 tips on how you can turn fitness from a chore to a lifestyle.

1.Plan your workouts for the week. I know the thought of this can be intimidating- but if you set up a workout split on Sunday -which means write down what days you want to work a specific part of your body– ie; “Monday- back & biceps, Tuesday & Thursday- legs, Wednesday- chest, Friday- shoulders and abs” it can be so helpful!

** if you tend to get bored with your workouts another way to turn something that’s boring it into fun lifestyle change is to keep your workouts fresh and exciting- I’ve been using the Daily Pump Video Trainer for a couple months now and it is amazing!! It’s a new workout every single day, with a video to show you exactly how you should be doing the exercises! Check out @etfitnesscoach on insta or for more information on that!

2. Make your meals full of flavor!! I used to do chicken, sweet potatoes, and quinoa everydayyyy and just thinking of that makes me cringe!!! You can make your meals so much better an it will be just as good for you! For example this week my lunches are organic chicken sausage from TJ’s with rainbow carrots and asparagus SOOO YUMMY!! I use the app ‘my fitness pal’ to insert everything I eat throughout the day so I make sure I’m staying on track with my macros & calories!

3. Make the gym a part of your daily routine! This tip is so important. Consistency and progress go hand in hand, so if you’re working hard everyday, eating healthily, then progress will come! It’s not gonna happen overnight, so stick with it and try not to get discouraged!!

4. If the weight room intimidates you, find a class or something that you thoroughly enjoy that will get you moving and breaking a sweat! Love yoga? then do it! running? Go for a jog! Like cycling? Take a spin class!

5. Last but not least *my personal fave! A new workout outfit is sure to get you ready and excited for working out!! Look good, feel good is what they say, right?! I love getting my workout clothes from Kora Fitness, or TJmax!! Kora has awesome quality items but it is a tad pricey but using my discount code- Rinnafit will save yaaa $$$

I hope these tips can help ya’ll transform your life and turn fitness from something you dread, to something you look forward to! If any of ya’ll need support or any guidance, don’t hesitate to reach out!

xoxo Marinna

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