welcome to the life~

To my best friends;

Six years ago I walked into the first day of field hockey preseason at Eastern Connecticut State University- not knowing anyone or what to expect. Let’s just say, by the end of it I had 4 new best friends and I was the most sore I’ve ever been in my whole life. I spent every single day with these girls, in the classroom, on the field, in the dorms- you name it, the fab five was inseparable. 

Then I transferred to Bridgewater….  

Leaving Eastern and ALL of my best friends was the hardest thing I had to do throughout my college experience. But looking back- it didn’t matter if I transferred across the country or just a couple hours these girls would always be there.

But fast forward to now, were all adults with our big girl jobs, relationships, & houses!! (Congratulations Laura & Jake).  Life is exciting, and a hell of a lot different from the days at Eastern, but I’m so thankful I got my forever friends! Cheers to us and our future ladies, can’t wait to see what incredible things life has in store for the fab five

*** If you are ever in Connecticut definitely check out the Brignole Vineyard! — So Pretty! 

Sweater: Tjmaxx

Jeans: American Eagle 

OTK Boots: Target 


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