
superbowl game day goodies

happy friyay!! Only a couple more days until the big game, and if you’re like me it’s all about the food first- and then the game (sorry ben). But I am super excited for this game though because the Patriots are in it- once again hehe!! And I mean after the AFC game a couple weekends ago, I’m beyond ready for this game – even though our boys certainly know how to give every single fan a freaking heart attack! Literally took years off my life watching that last game, but we should know by now to never lose faith!!

Ok enough about the boys and now to the food- superbowl parties are not complete without a number of items – but my personal fave: Buffalo chicken dip and I know we’re all stress eating but I wanted to share my recipe thats a little more guilt free for when we’re subconsciously indulging more than we anticipated.

Here’s my grocery haul from Target:

I normally try to grab the reduced fat options while shopping, especially for a recipe that calls for a lot of cheese!

Mozz: 70 cals 2gC 8gP 4gF (per serving)

Cheddar: 80cals 2gC 7gP 5gF (per serving)

This kind of chicken is a lifesaver! I can’t stand shredding chicken, so the fact that they have this as an option is amazing! They also offer kinds that are marinated which are a great quick dinner idea!

Shredded chicken: 90cals 1gC 16gP 2gF (per serving)

Another way to monitor the fat intake in different recipes!! Choosing the light or less fat option – but as always, read the nutrition labels!

Sour cream: 40cals 2gC 2gP 2.5gF (per serving)

Cream Cheese: 70cals 1gC 2gP 6gF (per serving)

I went with this hot sauce for a few different reasons – but mainly bc it’s not as spicy at Franks in my opinion!

So now that you got your ingredients! Let’s get cookin! First I combined the cream cheese, sour cream, onion & garlic powder with the hot sauce and mixed it up.

Next I added the 1/2 cups of each kind of cheese and the chicken into the mix and made sure everything was evenly combined. Then spread it out in the baking dish.

Added the rest of the cheese on top of the buffalo chicken mix & tossed it in the oven for 25 minutes!

and tada! after 25 minutes you have this delicious beaut & I swear it tastes even better when eating it with celery if you want to be even healthier 😉

LETS GO PATRIOTS!! Comment below if you want to see more healthy recipes 🙂


8 ounces cream cheese, softened (1/3 less fat version)

½ cup light sour cream 

½ cup hot sauce 

1 teaspoon onion powder

1 teaspoon garlic powder

½ teaspoon black pepper

1 cup chicken- cooked & shredded

¾ cup reduced fat mozzarella (shredded)

¾ cup reduced fat cheddar (shredded)



Preheat the oven to 350F

Beat cream cheese and sour cream with a mixer to avoid clumps of cream cheese. Add hot sauce, pepper, and garlic & onion powder and mix well. Stir in chicken and ½ cup mozzarella and ½ cheddar cheese (save the rest for after)

Stir ingredients together and spread in a baking dish & top with remaining cheese. Bake for 25 minutes until bubbly and cheese is melted! Serve warm and ENJOY with celery, broccoli or chips!

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