
spring cleaning tips & tricks

Happy Monday! Today’s Monday motivation is gonna focus on a couple of tips when it comes to spring cleaning! I am super OCD so I love occasionally purging things to make my room / desk clean and organized!

So first things first – when a lot of people spring clean they first try to tackle the clothes, as do I! But doing this little trick will really help: so when I take out my summer clothes of my closet to put my fall / winter clothes in – I put the hangers all in backwards. That way, when I take something out to wear it / once it gets cleaned, I’ll put the hanger in the correct way. I’ll do that with all of my clothes so when I am going thru my clothes in the beginning of springtime- the clothes with the hangers still facing the opposite way I know that I didn’t wear them during the fall / winter months. Now before anyone thinks I just instantly put all those things in a pile and get rid of them, I don’t lol. I’ll put them in a separate pile and “Marie Kondo ” them haha. I’ll then consider if I should post it on Poshmark, hammy down or donate it to the Church!

Then I’ll move over to my desk, I like to go thru all the draws in my desk and clean them out often, it’s so easy to just throw things in them throughout the week, and eventually it stresses me out and I need to go thru it. I have a lot of desk supplies; post it notes, staples, push pins, some draws have jewelry in them, and other draws have craft things so occasionally organizing is definitely crucial.

Once that’s all done, I’ll tackle the hardest part- under my bed lol. My grandpa gave me my bed & bed frame a while back and it’s so high, so a lot of crap gets stored under there. This usually takes me a whole day to go thru and it will make my room a complete mess! I like to store bathing suits, clothes from the other seasons, seasonal decorations and basically anything else you can imagine is shoved under there. A lot of things from when I was younger, all my trophies & high school mementos! That I don’t purge, Ill just go thru and organize 🙂

As much as I love all the fall and the holiday season, I really love a white clean, crisp and organized room for the spring and summer months. I’ll just decorate with some flowers, and my favorite white and blue blanket / matching pillow.

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