
self care // monday motivation

We meet again M o n d a y!   I don’t know about y’all but I am soooo ready for this week!! I feel so refreshed after a nice relaxing weekend! I spent majority of the weekend reflecting over my life the past few weeks and ways that I can improve and enjoying some of my favorite self care routines! Raise ya hand if you love a good face mask 😊

But during my little self-reflection / self-care I realized that I take very good care of my body physically by consistently exercising and consciously putting healthy organic food in my body. But the one thing that I constantly think about, is taking vitamins – but I don’t because I never know what ones exactly I need, but I do know that I should be!   So, I may of gotten bamboozled by the advertising, but I finally caved and checked out what “CareOf” is all about.  So just like it says, you take a 5 minute quiz that goes over a lot of your personal, physical and lifestyle preferences.  Once you finish the quiz it lists all the vitamins that should be in your pack, and all the science and research behind the vitamins chosen for you, and you can alter or delete what you do or don’t want. To be completely honest- if I didn’t use a coupon code to get 50% off, I don’t know if I would’ve of done it.  But hey- 30 days of vitamins won’t hurt and if anything- I’ve learned a lot about what kind of vitamins I should be taking. And don’t worry- I’ll be doing a blog post about my opinion on them!  😊

So to wrap up this little Monday motivation, this quote “You gotta nourish to flourish” is your Monday reminder to put yourself on a pedestal and take care of your physical and mental health ALWAYS!! You deserve it!

Xoxo, marinna

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