
re-evaluate your pits!

Happy Tuesday! Its finally starting to get warmer over in MA which means spring and summer are on its way!!! Thank goodness!!!! But that also means it is almost the weather where ya get sticky.. sorry to be gross but y’all know it’s the truth.

So with that being said, I’ll explain what I’m talking about in this post so you don’t think its about being sticky and smelly in the summer time!! Back in December I had an epiphany: I thought to myself, ok I eat really well, I workout daily, so my overall health is pretty good! Then I decided to dive a little deeper into this self reflection epiphany- I started looking at everything else that I put on my body not necessarily in it. And the number one thing that I put on my body that completely horrified me was my deodorant. It totally baffled me that I was so focused on my overall fitness and nutrition, but I didn’t realize I was directly putting chemicals under my arm. So I started doing a lot of research, and instead of me trying to explain all the chemicals and use the scientific terms I am linking the article that I learned so much from, and laughed while doing so:

So guess where I went after I finished reading that article: right to target (obviously), the first deodorant I bought to try was the Schmidt’s Rose Vanilla natural deodorant (5$). I tried it for a week and a half, and I’ve never hated anything more, but let me explain why: when I opened the deodorant it smelled amazing, it did initially seem chalky but I figured that was going to be the case with all natural deodorants because it was free of the aluminum and parabens. But after wearing it I did realize that: 1- If I was going to use this deodorant I wouldn’t be able to wear white shirts ever again– because it completely stained them. 2- that I still sweat with it on. And 3- it left a light brown residue when I put it on and it only went on in clumps. But all those things aside- i did love the idea that I wasn’t giving harsh toxics and chemicals and open door into my body anymore.

But I didn’t want to ruin any more of my shirts so I did a little more research and went back to target and bought the Native brand (12$) – which I LOVED- it is not chalky like the Schmidts brand! It went on smoothly and worked throughout the day! It didn’t turn light brown or stain my clothes brown!! So i’ll take that as a success!

But then, one of my friends (Hi Kirby!!) said she used Toms deodorant (6$) and I was curious to see another natural brand and this one is soo good I feel like its not natural but I know it is!! The texture of it is so similar to the Secret brand, that it just blows my min, plus it doesn’t hurt that its half the price of Native!!

It’s so crazy the amount of harsh chemicals that are just on the shelves of all these stores, but if you do a little research you’ll be able to find brands on those same shelves that aren’t horrible for your body!!

If you have any other brands of natural deodorant that you think are amazing please let me know!! Right now Tom’s definitely is my favorite, and i’ll save the Schmidt’s for my gym bag when i wear old t-shirt’s lol.



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