welcome to the life~


The countdown continues- 11 days…

I’m going to shift moods a little, and this wasn’t what I was planning on sharing today but when I realized what day it was; I didn’t have the heart to post about anything else.

I know in yesterday’s post I talked about how I’m going to share fun and festive things leading up until Christmas to get everyone in the Christmas spirit- and I am going to do that… except for today. Today needs to be a day of remembrance.

For everyone who knows me, knows my goal is to become a teacher, my mom is a kindergarten teacher, and most of my best friends are teachers- so this hits a very close to home. December 14, 2012, the biggest nightmare of every teacher or soon to be teacher became a reality at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown Connecticut; when 26 beautiful, innocent lives were taken.  When this happened, I was a freshman at Eastern Connecticut State University- stressing out about all the finals I had as an Elementary Education and English major. Of course, hearts broke across the nation once the news of this tragedy was announced, and they broke all across the Eastern campus as well, because Victoria Soto, an Eastern Graduate and a teacher at Sandy Hook- was killed during the shooting.

Being an aspiring teacher, and with a mom who is a teacher, I instantly tried to fathom what one would do in that situation, and I can tell you its the scariest thing I have ever thought of. Victoria Soto, who used herself as a shield for her students during those horrific moments; died a hero that day.

So, today- this post is dedicated to all those families who lost someone six years ago, whether it was a mom, a grandma, a daughter or a son. Put aside the political views, and just hug your friends and family a little tighter today.

so much love,



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