
new year’s resolutions ✨

hi girls! how many of you make new year’s resolutions and do they work for you?!

last year was the first year i seriously made new year’s resolutions, and i hung them up above my desk to look at it everyday and remind myself of what goals i had in mind.

but today i took a look back on the resolutions i made last year; run 3 times a week, apply for more mtels, have a more positive outlook on life, go to church more often, be more cautious about my washing my face, love and appreciate others more, be a better friend, spend money on lasting memories and not on pointless items, be more mindful and grateful. looking back i did accomplish a lot of those resolutions which is good.. but I know that I can do better in 2019.

I do believe though, that over the last year i have had a more positive outlook on life, i’ve definitely been more grateful for who and what i have in my life and that in turn has made me feel more appreciative. I did start going to church weekly throughout lent, but I haven’t lately which I plan on doing more religiously. And lastly spending money on memories rather than things-, the amount of adventures i’ve been able to do over the past year to fill my memory tank is unbelievable. Sports games, ski trips, world trips, etc! I truly believe that creating memories with those you love are so important, MORE important than any material item.

For 2019, I will continue to work on the resolutions I made in 2018 AND i will add these;

Since i’ve created this blog, I realized i want to take this more seriously. I want to create more content, I want to gain more followers and ultimately by the end of 2019 my goal is ultimately to be apart of the liketoknowit / reward style team. I know this is achievable, but it’s going to take a lo t of work which i am so ready for. I am so grateful for all of you who stand by me and continuously cheer me on! So please please, if you wouldn’t mind sharing my blogs with your family & friends, and following me on instagram to keep up with my posts. It means the world ❤️

BUT As much as i want that, becoming a teacher has been my dream and goal for YEARS. And over the last couple years I let life & failure get in the way of my goal. But that all changes now, RIGHT NOW to all of my readers and to myself – i am promising that i will do everything it takes to become a teacher in 2019. I will pass all the mtels I need to take to make this dream a reality, and i’m not stopping until i get those emails that say “passed” (and i’m not kidding after the 10+ i’ve taken 🙃 i’m celebrating EXTRAVAGANTLY when i pass lol)

I hope that since I was able to accomplish some of my resolutions over this last year, my own will and of course with the guidance of God, that I will be able to chase all of my dreams.

2019 is going to be my year.

thank you for reading (as always!!)

xoxo, marinna


  • Judy

    I’m so VERY proud of you and I love you so much!!!!

    This year, is YOUR year and you WILL pass the mtels!

    If you need any help studying or have any questions, please ask and I’ll help you anyway that I can.

    Love you,

    Auntie Judy

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