health & motivation

motivation monday series!

Its Monday – January 28th, the last Monday in January! So let’s take a moment to reflect on how are those new year’s resolutions coming along? Haven’t even thought about them? Don’t get down on yourself!! Because guess what- there is still 11 whole months left of 2019 and that means there is still so much time to achieve them, so lets get up and get moving.

fitness is a huge part of my life and lately I’ve been in a rut- so today, I reflected on my new years resolutions and wrote down some more descriptive fitness goals to reignite the fire within me. And I can tell you right now, I am not motivated every single day, and there are days that I don’t want to go to the gym- but those are the days you have to find something that works for you, a little reminder/kick in the pants lol! Something that will get you up moving, and for me it’s- Is skipping this workout going to help make me a better person, physically & mentally? is skipping this 1 hour workout worth the disappointment I’ll feel during the summer? Absolutely not, so getcha ass inside the gym Marinna!! 😁

And I know in the winter, actually making it to the gym is harder than usual- when the warm cozy bed is so much harder to get out of. But girlfriend, here’s a little reminder- because it might not feel like it with these 20-30 degree temps, but summer is 5 months away!! (woohoo!!)

So for this weeks motivation Monday series – I want to tell you not to give up on your fitness goals, if you feel like you’re in a rut; switch some things up, take a new class, bundle up and go for a walk outside, play with your crazy energetic puppy (hehe boomers first blog appearance), update your workout playlist, or (my favorite trick) buy some new workout clothes! But we’re all in this together, so encourage each other to accomplish all your resolutions, and help motivate one another, because there are still 334 days left of 2019 ✨ for more fitness tips & motivation follow @rinna_fit ❤️

xoxo, Marinna

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