health & motivation

monday motivation series

Happy Monday!!! I’m back to my routine friends, I promise this time 😉 I have so many fun things to share this week so if you’re not subscribed make sure you head over to that little subscribed box to the left and you’ll get a notification when I posted something!! Ok ok enough hyping up my blog lol and let’s get down to business!!! (comment below if you can name the movie!!)

I’m sharing my weekend vlog at the end of today’s Monday Motivation because it sort of relates to each other so don’t forget to check that out at the end!

But along with the vlog, I’m sharing this quote that relates to today’s post: “And then it happens… One day you wake up and you’re in this place. You’re in this place where everything feels right. Your heart is calm. Your soul is lit. Your thoughts are positive. Your vision is clear. You’re at peace, at peace with where you’ve been, at peace with what you’ve been through and at peace with where you’re headed.”

This quote resonated SO much with me this past weekend. On Friday I received my mtel score from the multi subject exam I took on May 16th, and spoiler alert for the vlog but (I PASSED!) and I’m not writing this to brag on any level (because after taking the MTELS more times than I care to admit I do not have any bragging rights lol)- but I know I am not the only one who struggled with tests that stood in the way of them and their dream job. So my hopes in talking about it in these blog posts, is that maybe someone who is in the same shoes as I am, will gain the little ounce of confidence they need to help them realize that they will get there, and to never give up- no matter how hard or how frustrating it is.

These tests in general do not determine what kind of lawyer you’re going to be, or what kind of nurse or teacher you’ll be- which is the most frustrating part about them. I know almost every occupation now has tests that need to be passed to determine your future, and I understand how important they are. But I know that there are guys and gals out there who have struggled or are still struggling to pass these tests, so this blog post is dedicated to all of us- Keep your head up, keep working hard, and eventually that quote I mentioned above will also resonate with you.

A couple weeks back I shared a quote that said, “I wonder if God ever looks down, laughs a little, shakes his head and says ‘look how stressed and worried she is about this thing. If she only knew how insignificant it will turn out to be” (this is the post I’m talking about here!) I wrote this the Monday before I took my multi subject mtel- and I can’t help but think God sent me towards that quote, and not only gave me the strength to talk about it- but the strength to pass it.

Now before it comes off like I am the queen of all things MTEL- I’m certainly not – I still have two MTEL’s left to pass. But that quote still hits home for me. Now that I FINALLY have a pass under my belt- I have so much more confidence. So that’s what I truly wish for all of you who are struggling, or feel frustrated, know that your time is coming- just keep working hard, keep praying hard and good things will come…. One day you wake up and you’re in this place. You’re in this place where everything feels right. Your heart is calm. Your soul is lit. Your thoughts are positive. Your vision is clear. You’re at peace, at peace with where you’ve been, at peace with what you’ve been through and at peace with where you’re headed.”

xoxoxo, Marinna

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