health & motivation

monday motivation series

Happy Monday motivation! I hope y’all had a great weekend and a good Monday so far! If not, turn that frown upside down (lol so corny) but the Monday workday is over and it’s time to focus on having a better week!!

When I was looking for inspo for my Monday motivation (like I always do) I came across this quote this weekend and it hit home hard. “Do what you have to do, until you can do what you want to do.” Oprah Winfrey

I aim to be as transparent with y’all as possible and I hope by doing so that at least one of you can resonate with this post. As most of you know, I took *yet another* mtel a few weeks ago and I received my score on Friday night. And like everryyyy time, I hope and pray for a “Met Qualifying score” at the top, but unfortunately- I saw what I’m used to seeing- “did not meet qualifying score.” But this time was different than all the others. Of course, I was a little bummed because of how much studying I did. But I felt something different this time, I didn’t get as down because deep down, I know that I will pass. This drive and determination to make this happen is something I haven’t had as deeply as before- and I believe that’s because I don’t think I’ve ever wanted this as badly as I do now (which could be a whole other blog post lol)

When I saw this quote I took it as a sign from the big man upstairs… or from a sign from Oprah lol – as a reminder that if I keep this fire, this drive and determination lit from within I will achieve this, and I will finally be doing what I want to be doing.  


So, if you’re hesitate about a big decision or even a little one and you’re looking for something- this is it. This is your sign to pick your head up and keep working hard. Because as Oprah said, “Do what you have to do, until you can do what you want to do”


Xoxo marinna!

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