health & motivation

monday motivation // remember why you started

“Remember why you started”

in fitness, life & everything in between 

I absolutely love this quote, and like I put above- it literally can resonate with any aspect of your life! If you take a second and think about this quote- and I mean REEEAAALLLLYY think about it. I promise it will hit home for something.

Personally, it relates to a lot of things that have been on my mind lately, and I think the fitness aspect could resonate with a lot of people who struggle with the same thing I have been struggling with this past week. So I’ll share my little internal struggle, in hopes that it helps y’all out!

So, as I had talked about in the weekend vlog that went up this morning. I spent my weekend at an mtel prep class… 730-330 Saturday andddd Sunday! Which was great, but it had pre- workshop homework that I needed to do which was watch ONE HUNDRED, 5-9 minute videos to prepare for the class. AKA, super important to get done- and with working full time, it was next to impossible to get done on time—never mind adding in an hour and a half workout every day.

But since I knew I didn’t have the time for the gym, I made an effort of eating extra clean.

Fast forward to Saturday afternoon when I got home- I had every intention of going to the gym, but when I actually got home I was completely burnt out, and didn’t have any oomph left to give it even a little bit of my usual energy at the gym. (PLUS the fact that I had more homework to do for Sunday didn’t help.) Then, fast forward through Sunday, lol and if I thought I was beat Saturday afternoon I still don’t know what the hell hit me on Sunday. I had literally nothing left, couldn’t even fathom a workout. So I just took a much needed mental rest day.

But here is where my little internal battle comes to play- I couldn’t stop thinking ‘Summer is gonna be here before I know it, and I haven’t worked out legs now in an entire month, I haven’t run in an entire month- and now it’s been a week since I’ve worked out’. Guys, I’m the girl who goes to the gym at 5am during the fall because I need to work out, and I need to do it before work because I know I don’t have time for it after work/ fh.


*Cue the quote hitting home* 

Fitness has always been a huge part of my life, y’all know that- as do I. But know what else I know? I am going to do everything and anything in my power to get a passing score on this mtel. So that means the gym takes a back seat for now. See I told ya the quote could relate to literally everything- as important as fitness is to me- being a teacher is that much more. And I always remember why I started that.

SO my little PSA to all of y’all who feel like you’re at a battle with yourself about anything that is going on: if you know why you started doing something– whether it be; going to the gym, or going for a walk everyday, praying, or going to church, or even something as simple as writing in a journal: REMEMBER WHY YOU STARTED.

Thanks for reading friends!!




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