health & motivation

monday motivation //

happy monday!! I was scrolling through pinterest for some inspiration for today’s post– and I came across this quote “Don’t compare your life to others. There’s no comparison between the sun and the moon, they shine when its their time” and when I say it really hit me, it reallllyyyyy did.  It is so hard not to compare yourself, your life and your successes with someone else via social media! And as much as I’d like to tell you ways on how you can try to stop doing this- I am guilty of this more than I’d like to admit! Just the other day I was looking at one of the girls I follow on Instagram… *she has like almost a million followersand I was getting legitimately bummed out that she is always on vacation, or that she has an amazing body, and that her hair is always picture perfect (lol I don’t even like doing my hair on a daily basis, but i was jealous of how hers looked). But guys, I was honestly and truly jealous. I mean maybe i just am in need of another vacation, lol anywhooooo, I needed to put my phone down and bring myself back to reality.  I know how easy it is to get lost in a downward spiral of looking at a someone’s fitness successes, or someone’s amazing  ‘instagram’ life, but let me tell you-it’s not the reality!! I am all for reading about people’s success and cheering them on because i think encouraging each other is so important!! But we need to try and not do that and then look at our own lives!

But I do want to say, this blogging community is amazing- because as much as some of the bloggers seem done up every single day, there are some (that I absolutely love & stay tuned for Friday 😉) but they share REAL pictures, – real life, no makeup and how much they actually don’t have it together, and it is so funny and completely relatable.

I heard someone say this recently and it couldn’t be any more true: “Instagram is a highlight reel.” but i think that’s true for all social media. how often do you see a funny picture on instagram, or someone talking about things they’ve been struggling with. you either don’t at all, or verryyyy rarely. we care too much about getting the perfect picture, and worry about how many likes we’re going to get on something and its so silly! i want my blog to be something many people can relate to, and connect with on a more personal level. so for this motivation monday post, I’m going to set two goals for myself and let me know in the comments if you’re gonna join me in trying this!!

  1. I’m not going to compare myself, my life, or my successes to anyone else’s- because like the quotes says- everyone shines when its their time.
  2. I will be real, honest and truly transparent ❤️

xoxo as always,


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