health & motivation

monday motivation / monday’s

Raise your hand if you hate Mondays!!

That used to be me, but it’s not *totally* me anymore.  Over the past few years I’ve been trying to have a more positive outlook on life which I would say I do, but I would also say that I still have my negative Nancy moments. So, when I was searching for a quote for today’s blog post I was trying to find an uplifting and positive one regarding Mondays, and when I came across this one I thought it was a perfect little reminder:


“Its Monday. It’s a new week. God is doing a new thing. New Doors, New Breaks. New blessings. Prepare your mind, Enlarge your vision”

Monday’s can certainly be tough, maybe some of you have today off! Maybe some of you don’t (like me!!) But I’ve started to look at Mondays as a fresh start.  Maybe last week was really tough for you, this is the chance for you to brush It off and start fresh. Maybe last week was awesome for you, here’s your opportunity to start this week off on an even better note.

Wherever you are in your life, whatever season you’re in- whoever is in or not in your life. This is a new week, God has new exciting things planned for you. Pick your head up and conquer this week. Focus on the next 24 hours in front of you, and take life day by day & if you do it with a smile on your face, you just might surprise yourself with what will come your way.



Happy Monday, 



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