health & motivation

monday motivation

Happy Monday y’all! I have a question; how do you guys like these #MondayMotivation posts? I put up a little poll on my Instagram stories, if you want to go vote & let me know! // AND if you guys have certain things you want me to talk about during this series, don’t be afraid to shoot me a message on Instagram! 


Anyways, for today’s #MondayMotivation, I want to talk about the importance of your health, and before you stop reading and think that this is going to be an intimidatingly long post about everything you should and shouldn’t do- it’s not, so you can keep reading 😊Last year around this time, I was working out nonstop like a crazy person in the gym, because I wanted to be in my best shape for the trip to Portugal in August. And I know I’m not the only one does this, because I know a lot of you probably work out like crazy before a big trip- or even are exercising daily right now to get that “summer bod.” But when I saw this quote, it really resonated with me and I hope it does with you as well:


“It’s never too early or too late to work towards being the healthiest you.”


This is so important, yes of course I am so proud of all y’all out there working like crazy to be happy with how you look for vacation, or summer! But what happens once fall rolls around? We should continue to be exercising and making sure we are feeding our body the healthy nutrients it needs! 


And trust me, I know more than anyone that mistakes happen!! But guess what LIFE HAPPENS. We just need to understand that one night of fun won’t completely derail your hard work and most importantly, how crucial it is to just to get right back into it the following day. There is no need to give up after one mistake, dust yourself off and keep moving.


So like the quote says, “it’s never too early or too late to work towards being the healthiest you.” There doesn’t always need to be a trip, or even a time of year where we are all focused on becoming the healthiest version of ourselves for it. We should always try to focus on being the healthiest we can be.

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