health & motivation

Lower body // Workout Wednesday

Happy wednesday! I apologize for skipping last weeks workout wednesday! I totally spaced!! But I will make it up to y’all with two posts today- a workout & a yummy healthy recipe!!

Two weeks ago when I posted a poll on instagram you guys voted for core but closely behind was lower body! If you know me or follow my fit account on instagram you know that I loooveeee leg day! This workout can be done either at a gym or at home!! All you need is a yoga mat, all of these exercises you can add resistance bands, dumbbells or any weights you have at home to make it a little more challenging.


Circuit 1 : repeat 3 times through

  • 30 squats
  • 10 jumping squats
  • 10 squat pulses
  • 20 second squat hold

Circuit 2: repeat 3 times through

  • 15 donkey kicks (each leg)
  • 15 fire hydrants (each leg)
  • 10 pulse donkey kicks (each leg)
  • 10 pulse fire hydrant (each leg)

Circuit 3: repeat 2 times through (laying on your back this circuit!)

  • 10 second bridge
  • 10 bridge lift each leg (in bridge lift one leg 10 times & switch)
  • 10 second bridge pulse
  • 10 second bridge hold & pulse knees out

Circuit 4: repeat 3 times through

  • 10 jumping squats
  • 10 alternating jumping lunges
  • 10 alternating ski jumps
  • 10 burpees

Circuit 5: repeat 2 times throughout

  • 10 frog pulses
  • 10 curtsy lunges
  • 1st round 30 seconds wall sit- 2nd round 1minute wall sit burnout!

I will be getting back into my groove so I will attach a video to this for you to reference!!

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