health & motivation

juice cleanse- yay or nay?

hiiiii everyone- ok so if you’ve been following along with my instagram stories for the last two days you know that I did a juice cleanse today. — But if you haven’t watched my stories- I ordered the “cleanse 1′ from Pressed Juicery located in Boston, and today the extent of what I consumed are these 6 juices & a ton of water!

So this morning I woke up, and had the first drink which was “Vanilla Almond”- which I LOVED (by far my favorite one) It made me so full that I didn’t necessarily want to drink the second one. I grabbed the next two juices and went out for a few hours because I knew if I stayed home I would be dying to snack (my biggest weakness)

So the second juice wasn’t terrible, but it certainly wasn’t great. It was the “Greens 2”. Went to go get my nails done, & drank a full bottle of water and I was chewing gum- mainly to get the greens flavor out of my mouth haha, but I think this just made me way more hungry.

The third juice “Roots 2” and this was literally not what I was expecting- it tasted exactly like carrot juice, which I actually liked (I surprised myself). And carrot juice is amazzzzing for you if you’re feeling like you’re going to get sick, so this is a good one to keep in mind! After I drank this one I went to run more errands, and stopped at Target and thats when it hit me. I WAS STARVING. Like my stomach was echoing inside of Target (major exaggeration)

I instantly got in the car and headed home which was just in time for me to have the next drink “Citrus 2” and this one was so refreshing!! It tasted like pineapple juice with a little hint of mint. I absolutely loved this one! Which was sad- because it was a rude awakening when I had to have the “Greens 3” which was the same thing as Greens 2 🙁 and for anyone who knows me – knows I eat all my veggies- but this juiced veggies thing is just notttt my cup of tea lol

And then I caved- my dad said he wanted chili for dinner, so my mom is making this unbelievably delicious smelling meal and I have to drink my least fave green juice again. **and you don’t realize this- when you do a juice cleanse – you will miss chewing! so after I finished my greens juice- I had a small scoop of the chili just so I wouldn’t go insane.

finally I am done with this cleanse thing- I just drank the last juice “Chocolate Almond” and it was DISGUSTING. I was looking forward to this one all day long haha- it was so chalky and not chocolatey at all in my opinion and I couldn’t finish it.

BUUUUUT now that I drank all of them I will leave you with a couple pros and cons about this whole experience- 1st pro: it definitely made me crave more veggies & fruits – I always always put veggies and fruits in my prep but I found myself thinking how I could add more (which def is a plus). 2nd pro: besides the green ones- they actually tasted really well —————————————– 1st con: I ended the night with a massive migraine because of not eating 2nd con: I’m completely exhausted/ drained (and I did no sort of exercise) and I feel like I will wake up drained tomorrow too

all that aside- I am glad that I tried it, I most likely won’t do it again because I need to eat to prevent a migraine. But I am impressed with how majority of them tasted, and they do have a wide array of options for single juices- which I will absolutely order in the future. I hope you all enjoyed following along with me today on Insta stories and this follow up blog!

thanks for reading xooxoxo


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