health & motivation,  holiday

how to stay on track during the holiday’s

With the holiday season upon us I was getting a lot of requests to do a post like this.  I totally get it, it’s hard to stick to a diet you’ve been on or your healthy eating habits with all the cookies and goodies around. But that being said, there are a few things you can do to curb those cravings so you’re not hovering over the cookie tray at Christmas parties (been there..!)

For Christmas parties with family or friends, bringing a healthy appetizer with you is a great idea! Bringing cut up vegetables or some fruit tray is a good alternative, so you’re not just unconsciously pigging out at the chips & dip (..done that!! Lol). There are so many great ideas for that on Pinterest! Another tip would be to eat a meal before you arrive to the party, so you don’t feel the need to devour everything, and you can just enjoy a couple snacks. For Dessert, bringing a healthy option is another good idea because if you know that you made those 100 calorie cupcakes you’re more likely to reach for that sweet treat (I made these last year and they were delicious!! stay tuned for my healthy Christmas appetizer & desserts post that will be up soon!)

If your work is hosting a holiday party, bringing you’re your own little snack or a protein bar is a perfect way to try to stick to your goals. This will help make you full and make it a little easier to say no to those desserts. I do this whenever there is a party at work, birthday, holiday or anything! I have a protein bar a little bit before the gathering and it’s easier to say, ‘no thank you!’ to cake or cookies that everyone else is eating.

But my main piece of advice is… everything in moderation. It is not going to send your lifestyle, diet, or body composition into a downward spiral for having a couple Christmas cookies.  This is a time of year to enjoy family, friends and a time to make new memories, and reminisce on old ones. Sitting in the corner tracking every single calorie you just ate is never enjoyable… especially not during the holidays. So, I encourage you to enjoy it, indulge (in moderations), go for a little walk with family, make memories and don’t stress. A little birdy once told me, “Carbs don’t count on Christmas, enjoy the cookie”

I hope this helps! Definitely be on the lookout for the healthy app & dessert post that will be up next week! It will have some great healthy inspo for your parties!

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