health & motivation

how to make monday’s easier – monday motivation

hi cuties! it’s monday again haha- the weekends go by so fast & the beginning of the week is tough- i’m sure we can all agree on that! But… the monday after the super bowl definitely takes the cake! So when thinking of my motivation monday post for today, I was thinking of ways that could make monday’s better!

1. Go to bed early – now i understand that was next to impossible after a big game, but getting a good nights sleep is important! Anyone who knows me knows i’m a grandma- i am always in bed early, but definitely being well rested is the best way to have a easier start to a monday!

2. Make Monday a cheat day- i actually love the idea of this because it allows you a little treat to look forward to after a long work day!

3. Be prepared- creating a to-do list the night before for what you need to do for the week will help alleviate stress! I love using my Erin Condren planner and I usually plan out my week on Sundays so I’m ready and prepared for what i need to do! Another way to be prepared is getting your outfits for the week ready and set aside always seems to help me!

4. plan something fun to do on Mondays after work! Whether it’s getting dinner or drinks with a friend after the workday or just meeting up for a little hangout, thats a perfect way to be looking forward to after a rough Monday!

5. and last but not least – try not to complain! I am so guilty of this, but if we truly try to see the best of the day instead of moaning & groaning that it’s monday again, then we will be in a better mood!!

I hope these little tips help on making Monday’s easier! But if they didn’t- at least you have these posts with my cute little baby to look forward to!! hahaha ❤️

love always – marinna & boomer!

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