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how to have the most relaxing weekend – getaway Boston // MM

Hey friends!! If y’all saw my post yesterday with this past weekends vlog – you have a little idea what this Monday motivation is gonna be about!

I’m sure I can speak for a lot of people when I say sometimes I get so stressed to the point I feel like I’m spiraling out of control- and even if I’m not at the brink of spiraling, I still like to take a day or weekend to do something relaxing.

And this past weekend Ben and I were able to do just that & what better weekend to do so, than his birthday!

Getaway Houses are the best thing since sliced bread – in my opinion! If you want a relaxing weekend with little to no planning needed- look literally no further than the Getaway houses.

This is how ya do it:

Once you get to the website, you pick which city you’re closest to- so for me, I clicked Boston. You pick which dates you want & how many guests you’ll have + any furry friends! Once that is done and you confirm & pay, you’ll receive an email with an address & literally only an address.

The whole point about the Getaway cabins are so you’re not stressing about what you need to bring & you can sincerely relax from the moment you book it till & through your arrival. A week before we were heading to New Hampshire for Ben’s birthday, I got an email of things to do around the area, recipes we could cook on the grill & the bare necessities that we needed to bring (they literally supply the rest!)

1pm on the day of our arrival I got a couple texts with the name of our cabin, the trail it was on & how to get into the cabin. Only thing I had to worry about was Ben seeing those texts & having the surprise ruined. Literally everything else was taken care of.

Once we got to Sophie- I entered the code I was given and the door opened up to our little slice of heaven. The cabin had literally everything we needed + a cute little note wishing Ben a happy birthday and s’mores to enjoy from the Getaway Staff. Like seriously – its the little things in life 🙂

On the desk there was a little book with poems, some little games, mad libs, and basically everything you could imagine- from how to work the toilet, to how to start a fire.

But my personal fave was the ‘do’s and don’ts’ of the cabin. Seriously though, to completely reap the benefits of this getaway I seriously suggest following these. The whole point of a getaway is to literally get away from it all. And I promise it’s so refreshing to not look at your phone / emails for a weekend.

It even supplied some suggestions for your automatic email responses for during your stay 😉 Its going to take everything within me not to use these for the upcoming Cape vacay! My personal fave is the first one 😉 hehe

When it was time for me to make dinner, I realized I didn’t bring olive oil.. but instead of losing my cool lol- I should of known Getaway had me covered with little olive oil packets! Thanks getaway!!

After I got the steaks & potatoes all set, it was so simple to set up the firewood / fire starter and get it going (with a little help from ben!) Tossed the aluminum foil packs tightly closed on the grate over the fire and opened it up a couple times to make sure everything got cooked!

** i did bring some of my favorite seasoning from home & just put it in a zip lock baggie so I could season it before cooking! // parsley, garlic, onions, salt & pepper!

I guess we did cheat a little bit- but thank goodness I had service, because Ben and I set up a little phone holder thing & put my phone up there to stream the Bruins game. Of course next time we won’t watch any sports but I mean there’s nothing like Playoff Hockey, am i right?!

We woke up the next morning to a beautiful view, enjoyed it for a little bit before we packed up & headed home.

I honestly cannot say enough good things about this past weekend. It was definitely the most relaxing thing we’ve done in a while and something Ben and I needed the most. Heading into work this morning was tough for both of us, but we definitely will be back to Getaway.

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