health & motivation

how I plan for the week // monday motivation

happy snowy monday! if you’re not from around here and you’re starting to experience spring and nice weather I ENVY YOU! we woke up this morning to about a foot of snow and its the gross wet kind! But I do have the best dad in the world and he snow blowed the driveway before work and brushed off my car *insert the emoji with the hearts all over*

I was able to make it to the gym this morning so I made sure I got my workout in nice and early so I could relax the rest of the day. Every Sunday I usually try to take 30 minutes to an hour and plan my week ahead with everything that I need to do, and I swear, once I have this done I really do have the most productive weeks rather than me not planning ahead of time!

So I figured this monday motivation post could be a little step by step on how I use my Erin Condren life planner!

first i write down everything from work / over time – the gym and my workouts for each day. I also write down whether its a low carb day or a high carb day (which is a whole other blog post). And since starting the blog I write down when the blogs that I have planned for the week & what time they will go live & what pictures I should post on my insta each day (but tbh that usually comes to me during the day)

I do tend to leave a lot of room because things come up during the week that I might need to jot something down and If I take up too much room it makes my week seem busy which not only makes it overwhelming but not as productive!

Once I have everything written down then I start using the stickers-which is my favorite part! I get all of my sticker books at hobby lobby because they’re always on crazy good sale!!!

and then I normally just use a plain black or blue pen for the majority of the things I write down, but important or exciting things I will write in one of these cute markers that actualllyyyy can double as little highlighters!

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