welcome to the life~

how i got my dream job // monday motivation

Happy Monday!!

This is an extra happy Monday because I finally got to share some very exciting news!  But this post isn’t going to be about me babbling on about that, but more of how I stayed focused and zoned in on that dream.

I believe I have shared this tip before but If I haven’t, its crucial to today’s post. If you want something bad enough, write it down. And I know that sounds silly- but a goal without a timeline is just a dream. And of course dreams are fantastic to have but if you don’t put any weight or empahasis on that dream- it will just continue to be a dream. And I feel that is where I have faltered in the past, I have always had a dream that becoming a teacher would happen- but I wasn’t putting enough energy into it.   At the beginning of the year I wrote in my planner, by the end of 2019 become a teacher. That is all I put, of course I wrote other goals for the blog and personal accomplishments but that was the number one thing I had written down and the first thing I wrote down in my planner.  

I don’t want to sound repetitive because I know i’ve talked about goals a lot on my blog, but I truly am a firm believer in the effect that writing things down have. If any of y’all have goals you’re working on and feeling frustrated, give writing it down a shot and you’ll be surprised to see just how quickly positives can come from it (along with a hell of a lot of faith and hard work!!)

as always, thank you ALL for all of your love and support!! I appreciate every single one of y’all so much!

xoxox marinna

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