
holiday dresses < $100 (7 days 🎄)

On the 7th day till Christmas… We frantically search for holiday dresses!  Today’s lunch break was spent at the mall returning things – including one of the dresses I tried on in my insta stories yesterday! And while I was at Express returning- I grabbed a few things to do a little try on haul for ya’ll.  And while I was there, I realized that since Christmas is only 7 days away, that new years eve is right around the corner as well and I should probably find something to wear!!

Thankfully everything at Express is 40-50% off.. which is superrrr dangerous!  I was a little bummed because the two things I was completely obsessed with they didn’t have my size in… (I mean that’s just how it goes huh). The two things I was obsessed with were pieces I’ve seen almost every other blogger I follow rave about- and since I don’t get paid for this- I’m here to tell you, withhhh no bias- these are AMAZING quality and soooo beautiful!! If they had the jumpsuit in my size I would not of hesitated at all! I think it is so beautiful and classy for any sort of holiday event- its subtle / fun enough where you could toss on a blazer or a leather jacket and wear it to a work holiday party- or be a little sassy with it with some fun pumps for new years (andddd you’d be warm!!) I honestly still might order this online to wear for Christmas eve….. comment below if you think I should!!!!

The next dress I have seen all over, and I don’t like being a follower or copying other people.. but I mean COME ON. How beautiful is this!!!! It was so comfortable, and it has such a thick material and would be perfect for new years eve. I adore the high neckline, its sooo classy!! The only thing with this dress, it was about 50$ on sale, and as much as I love it- it’s the sort of dress I feel like you can only wear once. I don’t know about you guys- but I don’t like repeating dresses for the same holiday-Especially if its sooooo gorgeous and unforgettable like this one– so if i buy this dress, I would only wear it for this New Years and that feels like a waste! What do you guys think about it- do you think it’s a dress I just need to have in my closet or do you think I can live without it?!?! 

The rest of the dresses from Express I honestly weren’t too pleased about- which I was very surprised. I usually LOVE express but these all felt like cheap dresses… so I left bummed and headed to my other favorite store!

LOFT!!!!  Sort of completely shift moods lol. I wanted to see if any of there dresses jumped out at me as an option for Christmas eve. I do have to say- I was much happier with all of these dresses.  A ton of cute, classy and cozy (what’s better than that) options not only for Christmas eve but perfect for all winter!  

At the end of the day- I think I am going to stick with the black velvet wrap dress I got from Express! Its so different from any dress I owe. Now to decide on the shoes lol… I might pair it with pumps or heeled sandals – (I’m so indecisive, so comment below and help me out!) I was just so comfortable in it, and bottom line- that’s what I look for!!

Hope this helped you lovely ladies get some inspiration for the holidays that are 7 days away!!


I know I just said that I was thankful for JoJo yesterday in my post- but she deserves so much recognition. I had said last night that I wanted to get my nails done today but I was afraid they would be mobbed, and she had told me she’d go after work and let me know how it was. So it was actually empty- but when I got there she was still getting her nails done so I just went and sat in the chair next to her and talked about my day and gossiping like usual. *so much so that when it was my turn and my mom had left, the nail lady had commented on how sweet of a relationship we have, and asked me if I see her often (I’m assuming based on how much I was talking lol) I responded “Oh yeah, I’ll see her in a little bit when I go home” and the nail lady laughed at me lol* When Jojo got up to pay for herself, she had paid for my manicure as well!! (HOW FRICKEN SWEET!) I am always so blessed and grateful to have her as my momma and to get along with her so well (we literally are the same person) but I feel extra thankful when she goes out of her way to do things like this. She is a saint, and I hope that one day I am half the woman she is. Sweetest woman alive award goes to Jojo <3

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