welcome to the life~

happiness // mm series

“Happiness is not a checklist, a dream job, a fast car, a good home, even love, mean nothing at all if you have not yet found a way to feel full and content in your own mind and heart”

I hope today’s Monday motivation post touches the heart and soul of at least one of my readers! I’m so happy I came across this quote today because for me, it was one of those times when you just need that little boost to really turn your whole day around. I have felt so happy and content with my life lately, truly feeling like its going in the direction that it should be, but then reality happens to remind you that not everyday will be like that. Not everyday is going to be perfect, not everyone is perfect. A few years back my happiness solely came from what was happening in my life and who was in my circle, and when those things started falling apart I felt completely lost. Mainly because you can’t point your finger on the one thing that is making you happy; like the quote says, a new car, dream job, or even your significant other- because that is not true happiness.  I really had to take time to do some soul searching and figure out what made my soul happy, it definitely did not happen over night- but its so important for everyone to do this.

I definitely am not saying that a new car, dream job, or a signficiant other can’t contribute to that happiness-  because it absolutely can– but it won’t be the basis of that happiness.  So, how does one find that true happiness deep within you. Take a day, a week, month maybe even a year- to think of the non-materialistic things that you’re grateful for and the things that make your soul happy. You’ll be so surprised to see how much your happiness will increase.

I hope y’all resonated with today’s post, but more importantly I hope y’all have a happiness within you that is limitless ❤️


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