welcome to the life~


A few weeks back I was watching instagram stories like I normally do and I came across one of the fellow bloggers saying to ‘pray for a miracle’ and it was on this picture of a beautiful baby girl. So, of course I clicked on the picture and it brought me to the post on Julia Valean’s Instagram page (@juliavalean) and I was immediately touched. The baby in the picture was 9 month old Evy and she is a battling a rare pediatric brain cancer called AT/RT- which stands for; Atypical teratoid rhabdoid tumor –  a rare and fast-growing cancerous tumor of the brain and spinal cord. (https://www.stjude.org/disease/atypical-teratoid-rhabdoid-tumor-atrt.html)

January 30th was when I first saw the post which happened to be the day after doctors had told Evy’s parents that the cancer had spread to her spine and that there was no further treatment, and that this beautiful little girl has a few weeks left. Instantly, my heart broke for this family, but at the same time the Bible verse “With God, all things are possible” came to mind. I was raised Catholic so I believe that God does things for a reason, but I can never understand ‘why cancer.’ I have lost many loved ones to cancer, and I’ve prayed long and hard for them to be cured. But when I saw this little face, I’ve never prayed harder.

In that picture, Evy she is wearing a onesie that says “God is bigger than everything” from the company Modern Burlap. So many wonderful people all over the country are praying for Evy, and so many companies are working to raise money for her family. So in the spirit of believing in the miracle healing powers of God & helping this family throughout this challenging time- I bought the same shirt as baby Evy.

It’s been a few weeks since the doctors gave her family the news, so God is working on a miracle- I can feel it. But I’m hoping that this blog platform will help me shed more light onto this family and get even more people praying for a miracle. Evy has so much life left to live.

*If you want to learn more about Evy, her mom’s Instagram handle is above.*

xoxo Marinna


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