
Do It Yourself, a Very Merry Monday series!! Part 3 + 4

Can you believe that there is 11 days till christmas!! I can’t! How’s your shopping going? I hope you’re done decorating by now- but if not todays first DIY project is something super simple and perfect to spruce up any decor you have! And can be kept out for longer than just Christmas!


All you need is yarn, a ruler (or you can just eyeball it), your hand and a pair of scissors.

I just finished up using my yarn from the previous two DIY projects I did in the beginning of this series!

First I cut a piece of yarn that was about 10 inches long, that is what I was calling my ‘anchor’ piece. I put it between my first two fingers for the smaller pompom and between my middle finger and ring finger for the larger pompom. (see images 1,2, and 3)

To create the smaller pom pom I wrapped the yarn around my two fingers 25 times, then when I got to 25, I grabbed my anchor piece and tied one knot to keep the yarn in place as I got it off my fingers! Then I tied a tighter knot again.

Once I had the knot in place and was holding my anchor pieces I used scissors to cut the loops I had created- now do not panic, this will look nothing like a pompom, now is where you can either go crazy or just do a little bit- if you want a big yet tighter looking pom pom you will trim the edges realllllllyyyyy well. If you want a big fluffy pom pom you’ll just trim them to the size you want. BUT here is the tricky part- make sure you don’t cut the anchor pieces! (pro tip: tie the pom pom to the string using the anchor pieces before you start trimming!)

Once you do all the pom pom and attach them to your string you have pompom garland!!! WOO you did it! I put mine as extra decoration on my christmas tree but you could string this to your mantle, or around a banister, or on a curtain rod!! The options are endless! Have fun decorating!!

DIY Part 4

Hi again haha- ok so now I’m sure all of y’all are done with decorating and don’t care to see any other DIY decor, so how about DIY gifts! Yeaaaahhh, you heard that right let’s make some gifts. I’m sure you’ve all seen DIY hot chocolates and DIY gift baskets, but have y’all seen DIY mason jar DRINKS?! Lets make a Spiked Hot Apple Cider kit!

All you need are a mason jar, a straw, scissors, twine or ribbon, a cinnamon stick, a nip of spiced rum, and a hot cider packet.

Once you have all the things you need – physically making it is so simple you don’t need step by step picture instructions!! First put the hot cider packet into the mason jar, since its the biggest it will be easiest to put things in the mason jar after this! Then you can add the nip of spiced rum, the straw, and the cinnamon stick! You can put a holiday tag on it or a piece of paper explaining what it is! Use the twine or ribbon for a little flare and there’s your DIY drink gift!! This would be a great gift to give a cousin or aunt or uncle- or even a coworker! Enjoy & drink responsibly!

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