welcome to the life~

did ya miss me?!?! I'm back!

Hi friends! I’m sorry I’ve been MIA lately! I truly have missed writing posts so I really need to get back into this!! I know everyone lives crazy busy lives, so I don’t want this post to come off like I’m complaining, I’m just getting used to my new normal 🙂

I’m sure some of y’all know that I accepted a Kindergarten teacher position at the end of July. And in the beginning of August I started a new staff institute for my school, which went right up till the first day of school. I did start the school year coaching at Feehan, but that quickly ended- and honestly that whole story could be a blog post / news article all on its own, but I’m not gonna waste my time, or my energy lol.

But school has been FLYING by! I cannot believe I’m more than halfway done with my first year. We had our 100th day of school a couple weeks ago and it was by far the funniest to see all the kiddos dressed like they were 100 years old. Try and think of something cuter than a 5 year old with an inflatable walker, old man clothes on, and wearing a white wig… I’ll wait, because there literally is nothing cuter. But teaching in this school has been everything I’ve ever imagined and more. I’m obsessed with teaching kinder!! I always thought I wanted to teach second grade, but who knows- maybe I’ll continue following in Momma Jo’s footsteps trying to be the most impactful and inspiring kindergarten teacher I can be.

And if dealing with 17 five year olds isn’t enough kiddos for one day, I have also started nannying 2 adorable little kiddos under the age of 3! Needless to say my weeks are pretty busy and I’m pretty exhausted by time its friday at 2 pm!!

Which brings me to the next part of this update, my workout routine! I have been creating my own workouts which I am having more fun than I thought I would be! I recently started video taping my workouts which is holding me more accountable, and I love being able to share with y’all what I’m doing in the gym! Along with that, since Thanksgiving, I’ve been taking spin classes at Rev’d and I LOVE it. I am completely obsessed with it, and take classes 2-3 times a week. Some days my drive to be at the gym is at an all time low, but I think part of that is knowing that we do arms during spin for like 3 minutes so whats the point of going to the gym 😉 Even though I just started doing spin, I have some pretty big goals that coincide with it, I cannot wait to see the progress that will come from those sweaty ass workouts.

Like I said in the beginning of this long post (and if you made it this far THANK YOU FOR READING!!) I miss blogging, and doing all the things so I promise I’ll get back into it. If there was any specific kind of post you miss seeing from me- let me know and I’ll get it started back up again! Ya girl is back in the swing of things!!!

as always, thank you for reading & sticking along with me as I figure this crazy thing we call life out;

xoxo marinna

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