
B E S T sweet potato fries

Let me start this post by saying if you don’t have an air fryer stop what you’re doing and run to Target, Walmart, Kohl’s- WHEREVER and buy one. If you’ve been thinking about it this is your sign from a higher power (aka me) to go pull the trigger and buy it.

Now that you are a proud owner of one, let’s get air fryin’

You’ll need sweet potatoes (or regular potatoes), olive oil, garlic powder, paprika, salt and pepper.

First I cut off the gross ends of the sweet potatoes and peel them, and cut them in half the long way (it makes it easier to cut them into fries!) I usually aim to cut them about 1/4 inch to about 1/2 inch thickness (if you know me you know how little i enjoy fractions, soooo I just eyeball it.) Essentially the thinner they are, the crispier- which crispy fries are the best fries!

While the air fryer is preheating (this is key) that’s when I season the fries like the salt bae (LOL). ProTip: put the fries in a big ziploc bag or a tupperware with a lid so that when you put the olive oil, garlic powder, paprika, salt and pepper- all ya gotta do is SHAKE!! And then taddaaa they are all coated!

I mean, just look at that *heart eyes*

Halfway through cooking pull them out of the air fryer, and shake it up to move the fries around! I normally cook them at 380 degrees for about 10 minutes but I watch them after minute 8 to make sure they’re not getting burnt- we want them crispy not burnt sis!

We all know I’m a bit extra, so obviously I get fancy with it when they come out of the air fryer, and if you wanna be like me here are some extra instructions for your instagram worthy fries (sprinkle Parmesan on them immediately and parsley!)

THESE ARE A DELICIOUS alternative and perfect addition to literally any meal! I love them with like bbq food, sandwiches, and honestly fries- are good with anything lol. Let me know if you try these and if you’d like my secret dipping sauce that I make to go along with these!?!?

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