
A Very Merry Monday- DIY series

Hi!! as many of you know I launched my little Etsy shop in the beginning of the school year – but it has been such a fun way to let myself get creative a little more and I have loved doing it. That’s where this idea came in- when I started decorating for the holidays I was scrolling through pinterest and saw a few things to order- but when I looked closer I was like I can totally make that- which I did.

The first project on this little DIY series is an easy one- I promise! It’s not gonna end up like the #nailedit posts online / if you think it might- lets talk and I’ll make it for you!

All you need is some yarn, a canvas or a frame, a pair of scissors, a hot glue gun & a stick. Literally that’s it.

The idea is to create little tassels with the yarn and form it into a Christmas tree on the canvas! You can use any color yarn but I loved the clean look of all the white / cream.

To make the tassels (and I’m sure if you’re a real crafty person reading this you’re probably rolling your eyes at me but this was the easiest way for me to do it)

  • I put my hand out like I was going to shake someones hand (remember when that was a thing lol) and I wrapped the yarn around my hand like you’d wrap an extension cord- 10 -15 times. Then I had a smaller piece of yarn that I would tie around the top and tada – all done! I trimmed them all at the end to make sure it wasn’t all scraggly pieces, but that’s it! I did this 15 times!
  • Then I just grabbed a stick from outside, and once I was ready to glue it all down I put the stick first and worked my way to the top to make sure I kept the shape of the tree straight!

Once its on the canvas or board- you are all done!

Enjoy your sweet little DIY christmas tree + if you try making this be sure to tag me on either Facebook or Instagram and #VeryMerryMondayDIY

thank you for following along! AND I cant wait to continue sharing these little DIY projects to keep y’all busy and get your house decorated for the holidays in non expensive way!

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