welcome to the life~

A decade of growth!

Happy New Years eve!!!! I can’t believe its about to be a new decade! 2020 like WHAT?! That is crazy for me to even think about!! I was born in the 90’s, and its already 2020- bananaland!!! Like how we normally reflect when its the start of a new year I wanted to take that a step further and reflect over the last 10 years, both in my actual life & in the real world! So this is gonna be a long post but a fun one- I promise!! It’s absolutely crazy to realize what this decade had in store for us. ((Plus there’s 10 years of my life in vid form at the end so if you wanna just jump to the end its p funny!))


I started high school (what!?!) and a sport that I would have no idea how much it would of impacted my life.


My Uncle got married! I continued to play field hockey, but I also started and quickly ended my tennis career lol. I went to prom as a Sophomore. Tanner graduated from 5th grade & I had my sweet 16 at the cottage on Johnston’s Pond.

Some things that happened in 2010: the iPhone 4 came out, and Apple launched the iPad. Silly bands were a thing. Instagram and snapchat entered the social media realm.


Jojo bought a convertible which we drove down to Florida! I attended my first Taylor Swift concert & went to my junior prom alone- but came home from it essentially in a relationship. And actually funny story- I went to a sweet 16 party, that Ben was actually at (and I had no idea who he was)’

Some things that happened in 2011: Navy Seals killed Osama Bin Laden, Rebecca Black’s “Friday” came out (and your welcome for it being stuck in your head all over again) Royal wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton! PLANKING


Captain of my fh team. Graduated from high school & got accepted to Eastern Connecticut State and asked to play field hockey there! (also got my massive concussion from field hockey once I was at Eastern.) Met all my best friends!!!

Some things that happened in 2012: The world didn’t end like the Mayan Calendar said it would! Olympics! Kony 2012- anyone remember this lolol. Gangnam Style came out!


Attended my first Bruins game. Went on spring break to Florida with Bri at my grandpa’s house! Also transferred from Eastern to Bridgewater! Grandpa passed away 11-13-2013 🙁

Some things that happened in 2013: The terrible Boston Bombing at the Boston Marathon- and then Big Papi swore on National Television. Harlem Shake and the Cup Song went viral. Along with “What does the Fox say”


I Started playing field hockey at Bridgewater!!

Some things that happened in 2014: Ebola Epidemic, Winter Olympics in Russia. Robin Williams and Joan Rivers died. Amazon launched Alexa. Flannels became a fashion staple. & the Ice Bucket challenge that everyone was doing!


Got my Jeep Grand Cherokee! Started working part time for the State of Rhode island while I was commuting to school! Turned twenty fun wooo

Some things that happened in 2015: Millennials surpassed boomers as the biggest US generation. NASA proved that liquid water existed on Mars. Love won as the Supreme Court ruled gay marriage legal in all 50 states! Is the dress blue or white?! (Yup that was that long ago!)


Went to Punta Cana with my best friends!! Got set up with Ben on a blind date! Started coaching field hockey at Feehan, graduated from college in December 2016! &&& I accepted my first big girl job working for the State.

Some things that happened in 2016: Harambe became an internet sensation. Trump became president! Our parents old styles started making their way back. Vine came to an end & Pokemon Go tried to take over.


Vovo passed away January 20th, 2017 🙁 Went to Florida to tour Eckerd! I walked at Graduation, Ben graduated and so did Tanner! Went to NYC during Christmas time (first and last time doing that) Went to my first Pat’s Game!! BOUGHT MY DREAM JEEP!!

Some things that happened in 2017: president Trump started tweeting lol, #METoo movement started, Hurricane Harvey, Irma and Maria & the Solar Eclipse.


Truro passed away April 19, 2019 🙁 But then we got Boomer! Went to Portugal as a whole family! (best vacation literally ever- might be my favorite part of the past decade) Started the blog!

Some things that happened in 2018: Parkland School shooting, Kate Middleton and Prince Williams welcomed Prince Louis, Prince Harry married Meghan Markle. Skinny jeans died, and mom jeans blew up!


Went to London and Paris with my best friends from high school!!! Got my first teaching job!!!!!!!! We unexpectedly lost Vova 🙁 July 23, 2019

Turned 25 (ahh) Tanner turned 21! Went to Portland Maine for the first time! And I was named one of the 14 Double Goal Award Winners in New England for the Positive Coaching Alliance– but stopped coaching at Feehan and will be starting a field hockey program at my school starting in 2020 🙂

Some things that happened in 2019: Grey’s Anatomy shot the 15th episode of its 15th season. Meghan and Prince Harry welcome Archie! Baby Yoda, DISNEY PLUS. 5 black woman hold crowns for the worlds top beauty pageants. US woman’s national team won the World Cup. Pat’s won their 6th superbowl.

WOW what a decade- some good and some bad of course, lets see what this next decade brings! I hope you all have a safe, happy and healthy 2020 <3

Love you all & thank you for all the support always!!!

Marinna Emond

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