welcome to the life~

25 things I’ve learned in 25 years

This seems like such a wild blog post to write- sitting down and truly thinking of things I’ve learned throughout my entire life thus far. I will say that JoJo essentially wrote this post because 99.998% of things I’ve learned and things that have been so crucial to my 25 years on this planet has come from that saint of a woman- so thank you Mama!

  1. Love will come when you’re not looking for it– this was one piece of advice from Jojo that single handily got me through my teenage years and early twenties. Love will truly come when you least expect it.
  2. Karma is real- just sit back and wait for it to happen!
  3. Exercising is not a chore- you’ll feel better after every time you do it- i promise. stop waiting for someday to come to start: just START.
  4. Thomas Rhett is 100% right when he says “you make your plans and you hear God laughing” – the big man upstairs has a plan for everything in your life, just pray and have faith in him.
  5. Positivity and happiness is a choice you make every morning- I promise if you wake up and think positive thoughts you’re more likely to have a good day!
  6. You’ll never be able to please everyone– I found this quote to relate with this bullet and its now my favorite quote: “You can be the ripest, juiciest peach in the world, but there will always be someone who hates peaches.” Dita von Teese
  7. You are stronger than you think- this is just a fact for all my friends who need to hear it
  8. Mental health is just as important as your physical health– FACTS
  9. & your skin is too! take care of your skin! use sunscreen daily and always wash your face!
  10. Hurt people hurt people– keep this in the back of your mind always! it will save you a lot of pain.
  11. Constantly set small and large goals for yourself– by setting goals you subconsciously start a clock in your mind to accomplish those goals
  12. The grass is always greener where you water it– wherever you put your energy it will always seem like its better than whats in front of you
  13. “If something won’t matter in 5 years, don’t spend more than 5 minutes worrying about it now”
  14. Spend money on memories not things
  15. “I’d rather have four quarters than 100 pennies” – choose your friends wisely & ….
  16. Surround yourself with love, support, and happiness – this comes with #15! If your friends love and support you with every bone in their body, then you have all you need.
  17. Be nice to everyone you meet- you never know what battle they’re fighting
  18. Organize your life– this will make your life so much easier and 100 times LESS stressful- buy a planner, buy some sticky notes and organize your week. Buy tubs and organizational things at any store and organize your life. You’ll thank me later.
  19. What you think, you believe– I truly believe this, when you put something out into the universe that you’re thinking of accomplishing, you’ll eventually start to believe it and before you know it- things will happen (with hard work of course!)
  20. You have an opportunity to make a difference in the world– I’ve been feeling this more and more lately working in a school with kiddos that are growing up less fortunate than I did, and everyday I try to think and do one thing for at least one child that will make a difference. But whether you work in an office, a school, hospital or anything else- there are still ways that you can make a difference in this world.
  21. By spreading random acts of kindness will make your entire day– pay for someones coffee when you’re in line at Starbucks or Dunkin, and I guarantee you’ll be on cloud 9 for the rest of the day.
  22. You’ll notice you live your life so much more when you stop giving a shit about what YOU think others think about you. I saw this quote a while back and it made me laugh! (https://prsuit.com/best-life-advice-ever-received/)
  23. If you spend your entire life comparing it to someone elses, you’ll never be happy– focus on your own life, your own happiness, and your own success
  24. be your own person– in a world of about 6.9 BILLION people, why spend your days trying to be someone else? be unique and channel being different.
  25. NEVER GIVE UP ON YOUR DREAMS– no need to explain this one

Do I have so much more learning to do? ABSOLUTELY. Am I proud of how far I’ve come? Hell ya. But…. do I have it all together? LOL, Absolutely not. Life’s a wild ride, and I’m so thankful for everyone who’s riding along beside me! Love you all!! Happy weekend! xoxo

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