health & motivation


Hi Guys!! Long time no talk 😉 Kinda missing my amazon Wednesday’s, but this chica needs to start saving money way better than she does! lol

But as a few of you may know I have been grocery shopping lately at Trader Joe’s, so much so that I got JoJo hooked on it too, and we go every Saturday or Sunday to brave the madness together and we’ve collectively found some favorites that always gotta go in the cart. A few of these items last forever so we don’t have to get them every time but they’re definitely a staple in the kitchen!

you haven’t heard of this first option I am so surprised! This gnocchi was the main reason I ventured into a trader joe’s in the first place, because I had to see what the hype was about. And oooohhh man did it live up to the hype!!! I am obsessed with this cauliflower gnocchi- I will say, don’t follow the directions on the back of the bag! Just put a tbsp of olive oil in a pan and dump the bag in! You’ll know they’re done when the gnocchi gets some crispy-ish sides!

Broccoli Kale Slaw- ohhhh hot diggity, this stuff is so freaking good and so easy to use as a side for any dinner! Don’t question it- just buy it!!

Vegan kale, cashew and basil pesto, IS ANOTHER WIN FOR TJ’S!! A while back I was making dinner for my fam and I brought y’all along in my instagram stories to see if my dad would eat the chicken that I put this pesto on- and he ate the wholeeeeee thing! Couldn’t stop saying how good it was, and when I showed him what I used he was shocked! You can also toss this on your cauliflower gnocchi and have a yummy pesto pasta dish!

Teeny tiny avocado, i LOVE these guys. Sometimes an avocado is too big and I hate putting the other half in the fridge because there’s a 56% chance it’s not gonna be good the next time I want to use it! Hence why these little guys are fantastic!! There teeny and the best!

Frozen mango chunks / frozen pineapple chunks / frozen blueberries- really any of these are awesome, I love tossing these in a smoothie because they give (obviously) such good flavor and add a great frozen consistency! BUT lately i’ve been putting some of the frozen mangos in a container and having them as my breakfast snack at work and it is sooooooo refreshing!!

I was seriously trying to decide if I wanted to add this next item to the blog post because if I go to any trader joe’s and they’re sold out of this ice cream I’m going to lose my marbles (jk). But in all seriousness, stop what you’re doing right this instant- drive to the nearest Trader Joe’s and buy this ice cream. THANK ME LATER !!!! (note how ths was the only one of this kind left in the freezer)

KITCHEN STAPLE!!! I love having this stuff in the cabinet because it literally can work on everything. Eggs, toast, avocados, sweet potatoes, literally everything.

Another goodie thanks to Tj’s. Who else loves edamame but hates the shells *me*!! These are awesome, by themselves or in addition to a meal! Toss the freezer bag in the microwave and then you got some yummy edamame!

Brown rice & quinoa fusilli pasta!! I had this for my lunches this past week and it was so good!! Toss some Trader Joe’s marinara sauce on it and some chicken sausage and you’ve got a delish meal!!

KITCHEN STAPLE! Tj’s nutritional yeast! I had heard of nutritional yeast before but didn’t really knew what it was for. But for people who are sensitive to dairy, this is perfect! It’s used while cooking to add a cheesy, nutty or savory flavor!. I put a tsp of this over some steamed broccoli or on pasta while it’s sitting in the sauce!

Let me preface this one by saying some peeps don’t like these, but I do! They’re so quick and easy to make. I put them on a cookie sheet in the oven for a little bit and then toss them into pasta dishes or have them with rice and veggies.

Also another KITCHEN STAPLE! This Reduced guilt guacamole is SOOOOOOOO GOOD. Honestly best guac I’ve ever had.

OOOO and another KITCHEN STAPLE! Spinach and kale Greek yogurt dip, yum yum yum. Another reduced guilt purchase, this is so awesome with veggies, chips, you name it!!

A lot of these burgers at Trader Joe’s are fantastic but I love these the most!

These are delicious for adding to literally any meal! These are always a must and they have several different flavors !

I LOVE THESE!! I love making these and cutting them up to add to an omelet or having on the side of my breakfasts!

YALL these are the best, and I know i’ve said that about almost everything else on this list but they truly are. I love brussel sprouts but they stink and they are a pain in the butt to cut up to make sure the whole thing is cooked. But i love that these are shredded because it makes it so easy to sauté them and add them to the side of any meal.

Key to these being good is cooking them on a pan first haha or else you’re gonna be eating these in broken off pieces. Lately i’ve been making veggie wraps with these, cooking them on a pan first, adding some hummus, kale, onion, broccoli, and avocado and it’s delicious!!

These are so freakin good!! I love adding some granola but they have such a good consistency and awesome flavor!

First is all this popcorn is deadly it’s soo good, but whoever’s brilliant idea it was to put it in serving size bags- BLESS YOU! Such a good snack for lunches!!

I hope y’all found this helpful and found some goodies that you want to try out!!

as always thank you so much for reading & don’t forget to subscribe 🙂 i promise you won’t get an absurd amount of emails from me! lol

xoxo, marinna

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