
12 days till Christmas!

Today kicks off my exciting news I mentioned the other day on instagram! I decided to do “12 days till Christmas” posts — for the next twelve days I will be posting cute, fun and exciting holiday inspired posts! So make sure you’re checking back everyday & feel free to share this post with your friends and family. I think it’s going to be such a fun way to get in the holiday spirit. I have a lot of different ideas for these posts, but if you have a unique idea – comment below!!

It only seems appropriate to start this off with one of the many things I love about the holidays! WRAPPING!!! I know I am part of the minority of people who actually enjoy this part- I must of gotten this trait from my Grandma– seriously her presents are way too gorgeous to open. She should just wrap empty boxes and put them out for decorations..

I do have another aspect of the 12 days of Christmas posts that I would like to start, so at the end of each fun and festive post I write from now until Christmas, I am going to write about something that I’m blessed / thankful for. Like the Grinch says, “maybe Christmas, he thought, doesn’t come from a store. Maybe Christmas… perhaps… means a little bit more.” A lot of people, myself included – get all wrapped up (pun intended with this post 😉 ) in the material aspect of the holiday season. We get stressed out about what to get for others- or how much money to spend / have spent, and we are forgetting the true meaning of Christmas. Of course, if you’re like me- I start thinking of the perfect gift for family, friends, and Ben since HALLOWEEN! But it truly is a time to be thankful for those people we have around us. It’s a time to spend laughing with one another, loving each other, and cherishing old and new moments! So for my first 12 days of Christmas thankfulness I’m dedicating this post to my FAMILYYYYY ❤️

And I know this is going to make Momma Jo cry (hehe success 😊) but I honestly could not feel more blessed, appreciative, thankful- and literally any other adjective that comes to mind for ‘blessed’ than I for them. I truly hit the jackpot with this family of mine. They stand by me through all the highs and lows, and they are the best support system I could ever have. I mean, just as one little example, my mom, dad and brother went to every single field hockey game that I ever played -near or far— and even though I am not playing anymore- my family is STILL there in the stands cheering me and my team on, no matter the weather conditions lol. I know I get focused on whats going on right now and I don’t take the time to really think about it as much as I should, but I am certain when I say- I would not have accomplished this much nor made it this far without them on my side. Love you guys forever and ever!!! ❤️❤️❤️

And now, I encourage all of my readers to join me throughout the 12 days until Christmas and share with your friends and family what you are thankful for this holiday season.

As always,

Thank you for reading

xoxoxo Marinna

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