
10 days!

Happy Saturday! I hope you guys are having a good weekend so far! This my last non-crazy busy weekend of the year, so I’m trying to enjoy it and get as much done as possible. (naturally I’ve been calling myself a busy little elf!) Which is a perfect description for everything I’ve done lol, I’ve finished wrapping all of my presents, made gingerbread houses last night with Ben && finished up Christmas shopping today with my best friend.

To make the gingerbread house contest a little more interesting… we added an adult twist and made it into a drinking game!! Anytime a wall or roof fell- drink // anytime you ate candy – drink… Time to get the gum drops and the icing, and someone grab the alcohol- cause, it’s time to build the gingerbread houses!! I think they both came out awesome, but help us out!!!

I obviously think mine is the best but…..
vote in the comments below and help us out!!

I have a really fun post coming tomorrow so make sure you remember to check it out!

Thankful today for Christmas traditions & for ben. Thanks for putting up with all my childish holiday ideas!! You’re the best!




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